Start up
Time to start building the retirement home, this house consists of 2 bedrooms, ktichen/diner, livingroom, showerroom, sauna, utilityroom, glass terrace which extends the kitchen
First house, timber frame, brick shell, 4 bedrooms and sauna

second house timber frame, brick shell, 3 bedrooms and sauna.
third and present house, 3 bedrooms and sauna
All 3 houses have varied in their construction methods, the first was a traditional timber frame using tried and tested building practices. second was similar but using more modern materials of a higher quality due to the changes in building regulations.
The third was a factory house, flat pack, prefabricated, whatever you want to call it, the walls were delivered to the site already made up.
The fourth house will be a combination of traditional and modern methods, using high quality materials.
Cinderblock foundations, styrofoam insulation, timberframe with a crosseover internal frame to cut down on coldspots, triple glazed argon glass windows, splitlevel heating/cooling system, heatexchanger ventilation system., external panel will be specially made to make this a modern looking house,
All 3 houses have varied in their construction methods, the first was a traditional timber frame using tried and tested building practices. second was similar but using more modern materials of a higher quality due to the changes in building regulations.
The third was a factory house, flat pack, prefabricated, whatever you want to call it, the walls were delivered to the site already made up.
The fourth house will be a combination of traditional and modern methods, using high quality materials.
Cinderblock foundations, styrofoam insulation, timberframe with a crosseover internal frame to cut down on coldspots, triple glazed argon glass windows, splitlevel heating/cooling system, heatexchanger ventilation system., external panel will be specially made to make this a modern looking house,
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