Sunday, 27 March 2011

Garage plans

foundations and insulation for garage

timberframe detail including roof trusses

external walls

Here are the plans

These are the detail drawings of the project

foundation plan, external line is limit of external insulation, side drawing is cutaway drawing of foundations
timber frame and detail of construction including placement of roof trusses

floorplan of house
the house itself, showing all 4 external walls

Council makes a new road

the plot
Goodbye to some more greenbelt

Watch this space

Start up

Time to start building the retirement home, this house consists of 2 bedrooms, ktichen/diner, livingroom, showerroom, sauna, utilityroom, glass terrace which extends the kitchen

First house, timber frame, brick shell, 4 bedrooms and sauna

second house timber frame, brick shell, 3 bedrooms and sauna.

third and present house, 3 bedrooms and sauna

All 3 houses have varied in their construction methods, the first was a traditional timber frame using tried and tested building practices. second was similar but using more modern materials of a higher quality due to the changes in building regulations.
The third was a factory house, flat pack, prefabricated, whatever you want to call it, the walls were delivered to the site already made up.
The fourth house will be a combination of traditional and modern methods, using high quality materials.
Cinderblock foundations, styrofoam insulation, timberframe with a crosseover internal frame to cut down on coldspots, triple glazed argon glass windows, splitlevel heating/cooling system, heatexchanger ventilation system., external panel will be specially made to make this a modern looking house,